Saturday, August 18, 2012

Occupational hazard

We have become pretty good about catching Ilse's barf in a solo cup.  I have one stuck in her mobile so I can get it quickly, and also there is sometimes one on the dresser in her room.  Tonight I was changing her bedding and Tim was holding her in the chair.  She began to act like barf was imminent, so Tim told me to get a cup, quick!!  Well, I did; I grabbed the one from the dresser. And sadly, there was barf in it.  Since I was moving faster than the speed of light, I flung that barf on the carpet, the little table/nightstand, the chair, and Tim.  Whoops!  Occupational hazard!  Thankfully, I just bought carpet cleaner!


  1. She began to act like barf was imminent, so Tim told me to get a cup, quick!! Well, I did; I grabbed the one from the dresser. And sadly, there was barf in it. Since I was moving faster than the speed of light, I flung that barf on the carpet, the little table/nightstand, the chair, and Tim. Whoops! Occupational hazard! Thankfully, I just bought carpet cleaner!
    click here

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