Emily's Blurb

I am a happy, sleep deprived, cuddle loving, roach hating, women supporting women enthusiast

dvr needing, cinnamon dolce latte drinking, kitchen skills learning, hanging up my shirts for drying, co dependent wife

 'JAG' watching, Dr Pepper drinking, pro life, not-so-conservative

anti governmental interference, gun buying, pizza eating, constantly driving, Zane Grey reading, ex piano playing, photographer in the making

nature admiring, non gardener, tree lover, ingrown toenail possessor, wishful computer hacker, dream boxer, family promoter, bamboo buyer, fast food restaurant investor, night owl

sunrise and set enjoyer, death penalty for violent crimes supporter, low tax believer, child safety advocator, adoptive mother

Elder submitter, trying to be a husband obey-er, Christian romance reader

senseless violence opposer, family dinner instigator, lobbyist for special needs rights, support group for special needs families co-founder

kneeling to pray liker, God worshiper, New Covenant believer, Law learner

previous music theory guru, singing on key promoter, happy flower receiver, military supporting, the US should mind our own business and not everyone else’s thinker

salty snack eating, chocolate milk imbibing, news reader

feeler, logic liker, emotion acceptor

money spending, hockey fights loving, Bible believer, sentimentalist, self-assessor, college degree deserving, friendship wanter, administrator

cracked heel having, long fingernail despiser, beautiful things wanter

procrastinator, contemplator, sensitive heart possessor, internally confrontational, outwardly tactful

skeptic, idealist, conspiracy theorist, anti circumcision, shower lover, sleep lover, joy of scrapbooking discoverer

'Alias' junkie, sibling protector, aunt of the universe, list maker, calendar needer, open land wanter, horse desirer

germ annihilator, hand washing fanatic, gift giver, country music listener, church family adorer, USAA groupie, Riverwalk devotee, my parents’ daughter, non self starter

prayer sayer, hug tolerating, handshake disliking, social niceties embracer, rudeness avenger

privacy loving, smell of freshly cut grass fan, recycler extraordinaire, sway back owner

mommy of three
believer in a Saving God.

1 comment:

  1. Just read these for the first time. My, you are full of personality. I just knew you were a little girl packed full of delightful expression; you have found your niche :)

    As for the horse desire, I used to long for a horse, too. As a child, I even prayed to become a horse. The Lord saw fit not to answer that. My daughter in law bought a couple of horses a few years ago. She was thrilled with the prospect of training, caring for, riding, sharing the joy of horses with the children. On my next visit the following year, I noticed the horses were gone and asked about them. "Oh," she said, "they turned out to be just very big, expensive dogs."


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