Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Tim's surgery is tomorrow. The nurse said it won't be as painful as the tonsillectomy Tim had last November, and I must say, we really hope that is true!

The boys are going to Kim's, Marcus has offered to come bathe Tim after the surgery sometime.... That picture cracks me up.... And lots of family is coming to visit at the hospital or stay to help.

We are as ready as we can be, considering one of us has been keeping two of us awake in the night for the past 12 days or so, except for one glorious night where that one of us slept, but the other two of us stayed up because we were convinced the one really would wake up any minute. That was dumb and stupid.

The precious boys are doing really well. They have started doing such nice, naughty little things. It makes me so happy when I discover a tiny, normal naughty thing, because it is *normal*. We crave a bit of normalcy around here when it comes to the boys.

Chris came up and kissed me on the cheek the other day. It melted my heart.

Joey likes to come up behind me and give me shoulder massages, because he hears me ask his daddy for it when I am driving. Unfortunately, one person's massages hurt and the other person's feel like bugs scratching me. It is the thought that counts, and both kinds make me happy and both kinds make me feel loved.

Ilse is growing so much. She was 30.5 inches the other day at the GI, and 8.11 kg.. That is the 15% for weight on the regular growth chart (well above the slos growth chart) and the doctor said not to let her gain more because of her low muscle mass. The therapist, though, said Ilse doesn't have low uncle mass, just tone, and that she will still be able to move if she gains more. So I am going to keep feeding her, but I won't push it like I have in the past. I am no longer able to feel her shoulder blades to the same degree as previously. She can get sick, lose a few pounds, and still be ok. That was my goal.

We came today to Tim's new school, and after Tim completed his meeting, the principal told him to bring in the boys for a little tour, so Tim is currently escorting two beaming sons into his office. Tim is a super proud daddy. Or maybe I should say, he is a super thankful-to-be-a-dad daddy.

Please pray for Tim tomorrow!

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