Friday, June 29, 2012

It's *Your* Healthcare Closet

I believe you should shop for a doctor as you would a good pair of shoes, or for anything else that should enhance your well-being.

Does he make you feel good about yourself? Does he listen to you? Does he make you feel important?

If he belittles or disrespects you, your child, or your choices, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he does not give your ideas and concerns adequate weight and consideration, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he complains about paperwork or charges by the sheet, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he doesn't return calls promptly, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he tries to force you into a treatment plan by scaring you, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he is unwilling or dilatory in getting you the services you want and are willing to pay for, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he doesn't recognize that he is your partner, and not your boss, then he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he doesn't give you adequate time to ask questions and be completely comfortable-- and in agreement!-- with a plan of treatment, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he is negative about your child's abilities, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If he refuses to allow you to be present during your child's exams or minor procedures, he doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If everyone you deal with in the office is not kind and service oriented, that office doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

If you call and cannot get to a human in a reasonable amount of time, that office doesn't belong in your healthcare closet.

Don't be afraid to assert yourself and insist on your rights as a patient. You are entitled to a certain standard of care, and along as you have dollars to pay for your care, you can speak with those dollars.

Choose the best doctor you can find who meets all the criteria you desire. You might need to search a long time. Call as many offices as you can, and if you like the person you speak to, go in for a 'meet the doctor'. Don't be afraid to tell the doctor what your idea of a good doctor-patient relationship looks like. If he dismisses you then or hurries you up, you know that doctor is not the doctor for you!

Be patient, but be resolute. You can find a doctor who is worthy of your healthcare closet.

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